sqstat is an application that functions to monitor squid in real time so that we can see directly how much IP is being downloaded and so forth. And sqstat is an application made by Alex Samorukov. To install sqstat into our system, then follow the steps below:
1. Download package
Download the package sqstat from samm.kiev.ua.
2. Extract Packs
# Gunzip-1.20.tar.gz sqstat
# Tar-xvf sqstat-1.20.tar
3. Move Folder to a webserver
Sqstat-1:20 # mv /var/www/html/: cd/var/www/html
4. Changing Names
# mv sqstat-1.20 sqstat
5. Configuration sqstat
# Cd sqstat
# Cp config.inc.php config.inc.php.defaults
# Vi config.inc.php
In the config.inc.php file, change the IP address & port of squid to the IP Address & port squid ours. For example, as an example:
/* Squid proxy server ip address or host name */
$squidhost[0]=”″; /* Squid proxy server port */
After that we will change the file squid.conf
# vi /etc/squid/squid.conf
In the file, add the following script:
acl manager proto cache_object
acl webserver src
http_access allow manager webserver
http_access deny manager
6. Restart Webserver
# service httpd restart
7. Test sqstat
Open the browser and then type:
Then there will be display as follows:
Change Auto refresh from a value of 0 to 5 for this application can be refreshed every 5 seconds and press the Update button.
6. Troubleshooting
Generally what happens is an error during testing sqstat in a browser that is no error statement:
SqStat error
Error (1): Cannot get data. Server answered: HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
This may happen because we are wrong to place the script: http_access deny manager in squid.conf file. Put the script at the bottom section on the item http_access.
If no display image as above, but just a list it in your browser, then type:
# mv sqstat.php index.php
Source : www.catatanlepas.com
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» Tips Install sqstat for Monitoring Squid Proxy
Tips Install sqstat for Monitoring Squid Proxy
Posted by eka
Posted on 14:22